Welcome to Max Performance Group  : :  Local Marketing  : :  Search Engine Optimization (SEO)  : :  Web Development  : :  Lead Generation


636 216 Suite #4
Poughquag, NY 12570


Mon – Fri:  9 AM to 5 PM




Is Your Business Marketing Strategy Producing Enough Leads & Sales?

Stop Wasting Precious Time & Money!

Harness the Power of the Web – Local Search Engine Optimization,  Blogging, Social Media (Facebook, etc.), Online Video and Smart Phones – to Shatter Your Current Lead Production and Close More Business than Ever in 2020.

Ready for More Business Growth?

We hear it from hardworking business people all the time…

Adwords leads are down” … “Sales are down” … “Our costs are up” … “Website traffic is abysmal” … “Competition doubled”

In fact, many business owners feel beat up by the daily pressures of running their operations.

They’ve endured increased competition and shrinking profits.  No doubt, there are more headaches and fewer dollars being made by many small businesses today.

And let’s face it… We certainly can’t expect a government bailout or rely on the politicians in Washington DC to help give your business a financial boost.

Many promotions just don’t seem to work anymore… With radio advertising and print ads, the return on investment seems to be lower than ever.

Even digital marketing channels like Google Adwords – traditionally great lead generators for small business – have lost some pulling power.

Unfortunately, this frightening scenario is unfolding for millions of small businesses in the U.S.

So, can anything be done to reverse this business nightmare?  How do you open up the floodgates to your online marketing and local offline sales – especially in ultra competitive, saturated markets and niches?

Based on 25 years of business experience offline and online, Max Performance Group implements time-tested, results driven marketing, promotion and sales systems into your business organization. Your business will get significant exposure and will be the clear choice among consumers.

Please take a good look at our website and the profit-pulling strategies and promotions we can implement for your business. It’s never been easier to start generating more leads and sales!

For a FREE Marketing Consultation

CALL Bob at  845-223-8168


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