Welcome to Mike’s Automotive – Trusted Auto Repair for Over 20 Years.


125B Route 22
Pawling, NY 12564


Mon – Fri : 9:00AM – 5:00PM
Closed Saturdays & Sundays


Click to Call:
(845) 249-9220


Auto Services

Expert Auto Repair Shop in Pawling, NY

Trusted by Customers Since 1999.

Fast, Quality Auto Repair

Get it in. Get it done. Get it back.

We recognize that time is one of your most precious resources. That’s why in addition to being perfectionists and sticklers for doing things the right way, we are also highly efficient with the time it takes for labor intensive repairs. We set appointments with all of our customers so that when you drop off your car it is not sitting in line behind other customers waiting to be repaired. We never make our customers wait unnecessarily for a repair. Get it in. Get it done. Get it back.

Expert Repairs & Maintenance

Expert repairs performed by a certified automotive technician.

Diagnostic Services

We’ll quickly determine the problem and recommend the best solution.

Automotive Services

We’re Your One Stop Shop for All Automotive Repairs and Maintenance.

Comprehensive Repairs & Replacement

Engine, Transmission, Suspension, Drive Axles, Brakes, Steering, 4 and All Wheel Drive and more.

Tire Repairs & Replacement

We inspect for and repair tire punctures and faulty rim seals that can cause a flat.

Oil Change, Transmission Service

Keep your car running smoothly with regular fluid check and change services.

brakes rotors repair replacement

Brakes, Calipers, Rotors & More

Complete brake jobs plus brake lines, hoses, master cylinder, wheel cylinders, ABS, booster pumps.

Drive Axle

Drive Axle, Differential & Suspension

Axle shafts, drive shafts, housings, yokes, universal, CV joints, ball joints, control arms, shocks, springs.

Electrical and Auxilliary Components

Electrical and Auxiliary Components

Alternator, starter, voltage regulator, wiper motors, fuel & oil pumps, heating, cooling components.

Drive Axle

Inspect & Replace Belts and Hoses

Serpentine, timing, alternator belts, radiator, heater, fuel & vacuum lines, power steering hoses.

sterring and alignment

Steering and Wheel Alignment

Wheel alignment, power steering pump, rack and pinion, steering gear box and more.

ny state car inspection

New York State Inspections

We perform NY State Inspections for most vehicles. Make a car or truck inspection appointment today.

Our Pricing

Labor Rate for All Auto Repairs

Half hour minimum charge. Rate does not include state and county sales tax.

$99.95 /hr


Oil Change & Lube

Service includes a new oil filter, fresh oil, and a lubricated chassis. * Add $25 for synthetic oil.

Tire Rotation Service

Each wheel is removed from your vehicle and moved to a different position to ensure that all tires wear evenly and last longer. Tires should be rotated every six months or 6,000 to 8,000 miles.

Powertrain & Engine Services

Engine, Transmission, Suspension, Drive Axles, Brakes, Steering, 4 and All Wheel Drive, Cooling System, Air Conditioning, Electrical, Seals and Gaskets and more.

$99.95 /hr


Hundreds of Happy Customers…

I was directed to Mike via friend of a friend… I got tired of the fleecing feeling from Subaru & Honda. Mike is a breath of fresh air, honest, straight forward, sincere, hard working. He’s got my business from now on.

Chris Espejo

Mike will not only fairly and properly diagnose your problems, he will also let you know the best way to go about FIXING the issues, not just throw parts at it while you spend your hard earned money on guess work or unnecessary repairs.

Matt Recabo


Full Service Auto Repair

Satisfaction Guaranteed

Call Now

Our Location

125B Route 22
Pawling, NY 12564

Open Hours

Mon: 9am – 5pm
Tue: 9am – 5pm
Wed: 9am – 5pm
Thur: 9am – 5pm
Fri: 9am – 5pm
Sat: Closed
Sun: Closed

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